NASCCRS CPC Course Approval


There is an increasing need to accredit programmes of pre-hospital care, relevant to our staff, to allow practitioners maintain competence whilst ensuring programmes they complete are of a high standard and are worthy of Continuous Professional Competence credits. 

Such programmes will only be accredited once they meet the high standard for course approval and are independently reviewed and quality assured by Educators and Facilitators certified by the National Ambulance Service College. Once approved these courses will be configured to issue NASC certificates to attendees upon successful completion. 

This process has several benefits:  

  1. Ensures quality programmes relevant to our members are available and certified. 

  1. The programme has been evaluated by pre-hospital educators to ensure appropriate learning objectives/outcomes and learning plans form the educational platform for each programme. 

  1. Diverse instructional methodologies are included to meet the needs of our staff. 

  1. There is a continuing Quality Assurance process built into every programme.