NASC Practical Skills Videos (V2)
This course contains draft NASC practical skills training videos and an accompanying booklet. They are a work in progress and are intended to augment tutor sessions and aid student revision while introducing a common standard within the NAS. There is no soundtrack on the videos as the intention is that the tutor provides their own voice while using the video. The contact list used to distribute the course is the current ECAT email list at NASC. Please review the videos / booklet and provide feedback through the link provided. We will review the feedback in approximately 2 weeks and proceed from there. The content of the course is for those enrolled on the course, not for general distribution. However, if there were NASC tutors inadvertently left out of the email list and want to participate, please let us know and we can add them to the course.
NASC Skills
This module has a number of video clips depicting the skills/competencies associated with a PHECC Registered Practitioner
NAS College Faculty
NAS College Faculty